A powerful and tractable model for understanding development and function of tissues and organs of mammalian systems
Part of 3D time-lapse movie of an explanted larval brain showing the divisions of neural stem cells. In red: histone-RFP. In green: Jupiter-GFP marking the microtubule cytoskeleton showing the cell divisions. .
Professor Ilan Davis discuss how their research into spatial biology is helping change the way we see and treat neurodegenerative diseases
This live movie shows a Drosophila blastoderm embryo expressing nlsGFP, which highlights the monolayer of nuclei at the periphery in green. The red signal represents Cy3-labeled runt RNA, which was labeled in vitro and microinjected into the cytoplasm. The RNA is subsequently transported apically (above the nuclei) along microtubules by the minus-end-directed molecular motor Dynein. The time-lapse movie was captured around the year 2000 by Gavin Wilkie and Ilan Davis at the University of Edinburgh using a DeltaVision widefield microscope by Applied Precision.
This live transgenic Drosophila embryo expresses nlsGFP, a construct made by Ilan Davis during his postdoc in Pat O'Farrell's lab (Davis et al., Dev Biology, 1995). The embryo was imaged in 1998 using a wide-field DeltaVision microscope from Applied Precision by Ilan Davis, shortly after establishing his own lab at the University of Edinburgh, UK.
This movie features a transgenic Drosophila line expressing RFP under the control of the pdf promoter, highlighting the circadian-positive small and large LNV neurons in yellow. The blue signal represents DAPI, a nuclear marker. The video was captured using the Leica Stellaris 8 by Sofia Polcownuk.