I have started my DPhil in the Davis lab in 2022. My project focuses on local mRNA translation in glial cells at the neuromuscular junction in Drosophila. I am interested in investigating how genes associated with neurodegenerative diseases, namely Alzheimer's disease and ALS are locally translated at the periphery in glia and how they effect synaptic plasticity and larval behaviour.
Previous Work:
Before I joined the Davis lab I completed my undergraduate studies in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at University College Dublin, Ireland. During my degree I completed two summer research internships. I completed an 8-week internship in Associate Professor Antoinette Perry's lab, project titled: Developing epiCaPture: a urine test for early detection of aggressive prostate cancer. In the summer of 2022, I completed another 8-week internship in Professor Patricia Maguire's lab where I worked on the AI_PREMie project before joining the Davis lab. In addition, I completed my thesis project on exchange at the University of Copenhagen in the Nueromet group. My project was focused on investigating the metabolic effect of decanoic acid on astrocytes in Alzheimer’s Disease.
Outside of lab:
During secondary school, I was an amateur competitive athlete specialising in Triple Jump and Long Jump. I have competed nationally and internationally, and have won various national and regional titles. Now in my free time I like to run and go to the gym regularly to stay fit. Additionally I love music and art, and over the years I have learned how to play 5 instruments and I take every chance I can to go to the theatre! During my time in UCD, I was the Deputy Science editor for The University Observer, a university newspaper. Over the last two years I have also been tutoring Junior Cycle maths students online.
Contact: jana.joha@bioch.ox.ac.uk